Traditional Chinese Medicine Benefits of TCM Skincare

The area of medicine known as dermatology deals with the care of the skin, nails, hair, and cosmetics. A medical system called traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been practiced for over 2,000 years. It is grounded on the idea that the body functions as a unit and that all organs interact to keep everything balanced and healthy.

TCM practitioners use a variety of techniques to diagnose and treat skin conditions. These include acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, and Chinese herbal medicine.

Today, skin diseases are still quite prevalent. Highly skilled medical practitioners that offer tried-and-true treatments are greatly needed.

TCM skincare offers safe and more appealing treatments to many people than traditional ones, like corticosteroids or antibiotics for common conditions, including acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

As a result, an increasing number of Chinese medicine practitioners in the West are going into dermatology.

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Dermatology

TCM has been here for a very long time. It is predicated on the belief that our bodies function optimally when our life force, or qi, is balanced and flows freely along the body's 12 meridians. An imbalance or disruption in the qi flow causes disease. Qi controls our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Several TCM zang-fu organs cooperate to maintain healthy skin in terms of elasticity, hydration, and complexion. Pathology may appear as typical skin issues like acne, rosacea, eczema, wrinkles, dark under-eye circles, dull skin, sagging skin, and much more if any of these organs are damaged.

The most frequently damaged TCM organs, how they influence our skin, and some simple suggestions for healing the pathology and re-establishing the balance of qi are listed below.


Because they store essence, or vital life force, the kidneys are referred to in TCM as the "root of life" of the body.

Bad eating habits, excessive sex, chronic illness, fear, and worry all contribute to pathology and physical and psychological stress.

The kidney and skin: Our essence slowly degrades as we age, leaving us with a lifeless complexion. Chronic illness, poor nutrition, or heavy sexual activity can all hasten the process of essence depletion.

The quick cure is a diet rich in whole foods, emphasizing seasonal fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.


Smoking, sadness, grief, fear, and either too dry or too humid settings are all pathology-causing factors.

The Lung's Effect on Skin: Splenic fluids are absorbed by the lung and provide our skin with nourishment and moisture, giving us a radiant complexion and tightening pores.

The Quick Fix: A healthy spleen, a balanced diet, and stress-reduction strategies will keep the lungs looking young.


According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the spleen transforms and transmits our nutrients, which is an important step in refueling essence and promoting health in the other zang-fu organs.

Inadequate nutrition, unpredictable eating patterns, excessive thinking, and raw or cold food can all contribute to pathology.

How the spleen affects the skin: Kidney failure results from a body's inability to digest food effectively, which prevents it from replenishing essential nutrients. Furthermore, rosacea and acne may be brought on by foodborne moisture from hot, greasy foods.

The Quick Fix: Opt for warm, cooked dishes over cold salads and frequently eat throughout the day with few interruptions so that your body can concentrate on digesting.


The function of the stomach in Traditional Chinese Medicine The stomach is essential for transporting the nutrients in food.

Pathology is a result of poor nutrition and irregular eating patterns.

How the stomach affects the skin: Like the spleen, the stomach's regular function is essential for preserving essence. Additionally, as the stomach meridian opens on the face, any additional heat or dampness brought on by inadequate nutrition may manifest as a red complexion, oily skin, or acne.

The Quick Fix: Avoid eating late at night because it significantly impairs the stomach's capacity to transmit qi and essence.


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers a unique and effective approach to treating skin conditions. TCM practitioners from a holistic spa use various techniques to treat skin conditions, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and massage.

Redmint uses herbal skincare, wellness techniques, acupuncture, therapeutic massages, and herbal bars at its urban retreats in San Francisco to holistically change how you feel on the inside and the outside. Visit Redmint to enjoy the benefits of TCM skincare today!